
Early in the morning wake up with a very tired body
i bring my body go to bath room and make me wake 100%
very tired...dammmzz tired..
after taked my bath and prepared, went to start my work today
like work...emmm...very lazy actually...but what can do^.*
Today got alot of BD call...haiz~~~felt sleeping and lazy to do work
Think back about yesterday, sithar ask me go to room
The would like to promote me to business development department
I was so shock and say "no"
Because it was very challenging inside that department
Am happy with my position as product specialist now of course
but they told me i can learn more if i transfer to that department
and also got alot of benefit for my future
Happy was i been promote from call centre manager
Bad was, i will be more stress and challenging in work if am say yes to the duty they gave to me
hem....i have no mood after that and think think think
still keep thinking about the offer....hem...
ok...after yesterday night...
i already decide..
OK!!I will accept the offer and challenge
keep learning and give me more change to be muture in work as well
another thing start back my loan part time job too^^ cheers..
meeting with my agent all that..
It was very smooth and got a very good result.
starting earn more money and saving money^^
i happy with the commission i get..wakakkaka...
beside earning money, also doing my music recording
hoo...busy like hell...of course i wont forgot about my happy hour
go out with my group of cute friend and relax for once for a while
Let me charged my energy to keep go on my life
erm...quit smooth la.thank god^^
and thank to let me meet him as well^^
You are great^^


It should not a problem if you said that i want be your friend and add me in facebook
but please respect others and sincere to become my friend
i dont like that kind of stubit thing that u request
Its very disgusting and make me felt vomit
For sure i will talk with you nicely if u respect me
Dont talk about this...
Today is public holiday, everybody is off and too
It a good thing for me of course, but it quit boring sometime
Just sitting here and facebookING...chit chat..and search net
nothing else beside doing all this..but it quit relax also
hahaha...what am talking about now..i have no idea
well...actually for today, i got time to sit here and think
think alot of thing that already quit dissapointed with some kind of thing
Before am very care and will make it clear or what.
but now am lazy to bother and just let it be as well
just waste my energy...just hope she have a good life and happy of course
if she want think her way, den it ok for should not a problem for me
my dear...because of you, am lost alot between me and her
but am are my spirit now
i wont care weither she happy or not happy
you are most important if compare v her.
By the way, i hope she will happy with her own world.


Today was my off day..lazy to hang out and just stay at home to have a rest
Felt headache when just woke up, because of the red wine on night of monday
finished 1 bottle half++ @.@!!crazy...well, it is nice.. and its very enjoy to taste red wine
Am starting love taste of red wine, and almost enjoy it for few month
Edd chia..u la..make me fall in love to Red Wine!!!By the way, thank^^
For this past few month am stop open my blog
because here are place where write down all my unhappy happened fir everyday that am face
am not brave enough to open it before this
If not i will memories back all the unhappy thing
I have to admit it that i got very negative thingking before this
maybe it is because the enviroment that u given to me
your dad..YOU!!!cannot imagine it..make me alomost got mentel problem as well.
hoooo...luckyly i run away from you!!
God is blessing me all the time.
Now am happy and my life stabil without you
Hoooo....very lucky^^
This past few month, this company give me alot of hapiness.
They give me positive thingking
They give me the happiness that am hoping before this
Eventhough sometime was very stress in work, but am happy
They give me confident
They believe me
They teach me alot for life.
They give me chance and surprice
hahahhaha...i love it so much
Here, i got everything i want
And at here am meet him
he give me the safetyness that i didnt felt it before this
He take care of me alot..He thingking mature enough to carry my life
He is a very positive thinker
He support my carear that am work on it noe
My mom love him, and my whole family love him
And the most important thing was his family love me too.
The feeling of family i can felt it through him
Love is not between 2 person that love each other only
Love is related to both of our family
I only can accept the people whose 100% sincere to me included his family to be
my partner for my whole life
Edd chia..thank for everything that you already gave to me
especially in mentel support. Am really appreciated it


Next month will buy my first car and house for my first property in my life~
Erm~as what am plan~it going be achieve very fast.
Now already become a product specialist in the america company
salary qt good~
But for me~it still not enough for me
what am expect is more then what am achieve now
I want to fight the best for my life and of course the first for my lovely family
My first income for the loan make my life become much better
But still got some emptiness inside my heart
But as what am already make decision, just let it be
Now my life is getting better and better without any disturbing
The emptiness that am feel already become a very good memories for me
Among the time, am feel sad and happy
but it just a pass for me
Now for me future is much important den others
welcome back^^


How to describe this feeling
Am tried to forget him
so hard~until am feel so suck~
friend!!At least got u guys to let me feel better
I will do my best in this matter and promise wont cried anymore
i know u guys love me very much
same as me.i love u guys so much!
U guys was my boyfriend and girlfriend^^
I know what am do now is correct eventhought it was very hard for me
i have to leaved him.give both of us space to grown up
Dont talk about this.
So expectING for our travel in this october
i want go far away from here
far away from this sad place
Enjoy everything out there that wait for me
My heart~please stop sad and cried!!
u can make it very well!
u still got beloved friend sarroundding u!


Drink drink drink~and drunk drunk drunk
At last~mabuk~make my skin today ichys ichys and ichys~~
after use melaleuca oil~its ok now
what u tell me before actually is just zero
i just think back what u told me before
something make me feel very dissapointed v what u done to me
and am awake now with everything
i dont know what am already done before
so childish and am suck v everything that i already done to u
by the way it already beocome my pass
am not the sophia last time
am surrender now with everything and am start my new life
feel suck when am want start it
feel better after that
from what i learn,nothing is forever and nothing
to be continue^^want go movie now^^


After reach office,we lepak-lepak outside while wait for the staff meeting~
we sing a malay song~wow~haha~that nice~
As what i know,they want let us know the new structure for our companies future
time already reach 9am~we walk sambil jalan into the showroom
lol~cannot sit~everybody stand~
lol~tired la everybody~
why dont have any chair inside geh???
ok!!never mind!!i stand!!let keep diet for a while
The time the annt the new position for some of our staff!!
yea!!very happy edd chia can become our new act supervisor
that a very good new for all of us.
and we clap hand
vey suddenly~~~~~~
i heard someone call my name~~
sofia syirin~~~~~~~~~
lol~~~~~what is happening???
edd ask me go out coz thai is calling my name~~~
my reaction so shock that time~~
dont know what can do..
just follow what they told me do
i go out slowly~~
oh~~~rupa-rupanya they put my new position as product specialist
lol~~am so shock~~
shawn also shock!!!
coz he also suddenly only know his position
kita cuma blur aje lar
ape boleh buat that time!!
cannot relax like before just sit there and answer call
now have to study all the product knowledge
study!!study!!and study!!
like in high school!!
hope i will have a better life tomorrow!!



sophia profile
