
How to describe this feeling
Am tried to forget him
so hard~until am feel so suck~
friend!!At least got u guys to let me feel better
I will do my best in this matter and promise wont cried anymore
i know u guys love me very much
same as me.i love u guys so much!
U guys was my boyfriend and girlfriend^^
I know what am do now is correct eventhought it was very hard for me
i have to leaved him.give both of us space to grown up
Dont talk about this.
So expectING for our travel in this october
i want go far away from here
far away from this sad place
Enjoy everything out there that wait for me
My heart~please stop sad and cried!!
u can make it very well!
u still got beloved friend sarroundding u!


Drink drink drink~and drunk drunk drunk
At last~mabuk~make my skin today ichys ichys and ichys~~
after use melaleuca oil~its ok now
what u tell me before actually is just zero
i just think back what u told me before
something make me feel very dissapointed v what u done to me
and am awake now with everything
i dont know what am already done before
so childish and am suck v everything that i already done to u
by the way it already beocome my pass
am not the sophia last time
am surrender now with everything and am start my new life
feel suck when am want start it
feel better after that
from what i learn,nothing is forever and nothing
to be continue^^want go movie now^^


After reach office,we lepak-lepak outside while wait for the staff meeting~
we sing a malay song~wow~haha~that nice~
As what i know,they want let us know the new structure for our companies future
time already reach 9am~we walk sambil jalan into the showroom
lol~cannot sit~everybody stand~
lol~tired la everybody~
why dont have any chair inside geh???
ok!!never mind!!i stand!!let keep diet for a while
The time the annt the new position for some of our staff!!
yea!!very happy edd chia can become our new act supervisor
that a very good new for all of us.
and we clap hand
vey suddenly~~~~~~
i heard someone call my name~~
sofia syirin~~~~~~~~~
lol~~~~~what is happening???
edd ask me go out coz thai is calling my name~~~
my reaction so shock that time~~
dont know what can do..
just follow what they told me do
i go out slowly~~
oh~~~rupa-rupanya they put my new position as product specialist
lol~~am so shock~~
shawn also shock!!!
coz he also suddenly only know his position
kita cuma blur aje lar
ape boleh buat that time!!
cannot relax like before just sit there and answer call
now have to study all the product knowledge
study!!study!!and study!!
like in high school!!
hope i will have a better life tomorrow!!


sing k until 5am in the morning
when reach home already around 6am~
woke up at 10:30am prepared go work
feel like want pengsan lo~
when reach office ngam ngam 12pm
no need put RM5 into piggy bank.
because i already inform our super supervisor mahen on the cookie jar
here i am~in the office~boring saturday
they say next month go genting highland and stay there for one night
that nice.~a very good topic for me!!
and a very good news for me~
can go relax before go oversea
but what am expecting now is our october trip to hong kong
ohoooo~~~~~~that nice
but like this also good
let me free from pass
that a good news for me also
chang chang~~~
new life for me^^


sorry bro~i cant accept u now.
u have to know what my position now
i know u like me,but i dont like u.
i just can accept u as my bro.
haha~dont said me straight la bro
By the way,am feel very happy been with u this few week
u accompany me go everywhere and teach me many thing
nothing to be sad for everything that am think
u make my mind free for eveything
u make me feel relax now
this october we will go hong kong and enjoy there
so expecting for the trip
i believe that we can fully enjoy it
now am independent because of u
Thank alot for everything
I know u will always been v me.
we always the best friend.
Love u my bro(love between sis and bro huh)


Today feel too tired to wake up
my eye keep continue close and sleep
time is going!!!
cant remember that today is my working day
my sis scrime to me and wake me up
den i have to force myself and wake up@.@!!
my head was so blur on that time.
but what can do..have to work~and cant be late
if not have to put rm5 in pig bank in our department
hem~feel like want to eat pizza today..
but dont know how to online order
so we dint order and just eat in mamak~
xien~every day eat the same thing
i hated mamak!!!!!!!
The second thing i doing today is
am trying use maybank2u to make tm online transaction~
lol~whole day~~~!!!whole day!!!
i learn how to make transaction!!at last..
still the same...failed to make it..
coz inside the instruction tell me that
am dint register tag in ATM yet..
lol~so mafan~
nvr md..later i will make the transaction in klcc...
such a boring day~



sophia profile
