
I hated to be someone that always incharge for everything
i hated to be alone and i hated the feeling of boring always come to me
after i meet him,i increase my contact with all my friend
my life become suck and bad like shit
i dunt know want to tell who!iam feel very sad..
and i wish i got ,so that i can forget all my memories with him
his thinking very naive and not mature at all
why everbody will fall in love?
because they love each other and feel like want to protect their partner
and when they need each other they will always in their side
care abt each other feeling and care about everything
not only know how to say I lOVE U
have to learn how to love a person
sometime iam feel like his nanny,not girlfriend
i take care for his everything~
like am a 24hour nanny~
he only to ask me do this and do that
but dint feel what iam feel
like i have to follow what he want,and i hated him
even we love each other,SO WHAT!!!!!
but feel agony all the time,better separated
i wish that all the time~but cant reach my goal now
i say i want to stay alone and dunt want stay with him
but he dont want~i feel suck all the time,pain~and weak~
i want cry and want to talk to somebody but dunt know can talk with who
even talk to him abt my feeling
like am talk to a macho man~suck like shit
am not the girl who always can follow what u want and ur order
if who love me,they cant control me do from what i want
espeacialy macho man
if they behave like this,this will make me feel like want to run
far away from them~and disappear~
god bless with what am wish
of course am still love him~but i cant continue this relationship
if not i cant breath with his way
i surrender~and please me go~


Today is public holiday
when iam wake up he still dint come back
when am wake up is around 8am~
am dint call him or bother~hoho~he got his privacy mar
actually i want to sleep more longer today
because very long time cant sleep like today
but awake because of my friend call at 8am like this
then we chat outside the door for a while
after he go~i cant sleep anymore~
lol~such a bad started day for me
but anyway wait for afternoon dating time^^haha
because he say he will bring me go cinema today
what can do when i cant continue sleep is become kaki facebook lor
haha~check mail and online to my forum~
erm~about around 9am i heard a door open sound
at last~he come back~hoho
lol~after he come back he come to my side and say
"dear,yesterday i go cafe play online game with aaron"
then he smile like nothing happened~
make me dunt know want smile or cried~>.<"
but anyway so funny la when he show the face reaction
then i ask him go to sleep,if not when watch movie in cinema
i scared that he will asleep
he ask me awake him on 10am~but i dint do it..
i let him sleep,because too short time for him to sleep..
let him take a rest to charge his energy
coz of yesterday work by hard play online game
lol~not good for health
then after he go sleep..i continue online and movieING
haha~such a good and enjoy day for me^^wahoho~
around 1 pm like this i call him wake up and ready
den we go klcc^^hehe~our dating moment^^
we go chili and eat lunch there...haha~
long time dunt have feel like this^^
and he teach me how to eat beef,because i never eat beef
i hated beef because so disgusting
but the way they cook in chili,hoh~delicious~100%
i like it~i like chili way cook the beef
and thank him for teached me eat the disgusting beef^^haha
then we go watch twilight
this time this movie make me feel boring
no fresh at all~but the heroin is very handsome and charming^^
twilight 1 is more romantic and good watch^^
after finish watch we go back~
even dating time not longer but am happy^^
and this is a good memory for me~
hei~dear,thak yea^^


My new week in company to become a telemarketer
yeah~have a good result today
my back of office got a new look
got many place for new staff
but new staff dint come yet,coz all still in training or not start yet
all kosong~lol~
hahaha~only got 5 or 6 little kitty~hahhaa
and joseph department there boss dint sentuh anything yet
and one more thing my place there
boss dint tutup a "dinding" between me and my friend
so we can keep talking when work~haha
so bising when work~but anyway we do our job when talked
hahaha~happy lol~hope boss wont tutup a dinding between us lo~
if not we all will feel boring d lo~
and all the staff terkejut when know my result
coz n few day my sell can reach their standard
hehe~iam sophia what!hahaha~
anyway i will keep this result and better than them
god blessed!


Can't remember all what iam dreamed yesterday
but remember a little bit only
somebody bring me go to church
and then sign in there
i dunt know sign in what
there was a big church,and the person who bring me there is joseph
and i see many people singing on that time
joseph give something to the paderi there
i dont know what~
very very blur~~~~~lol
and~we go inside the church then sit there
and then i waked up~
actually before this dream iam also dream something
but i dont know what~
i think something like~~erm~~~not remember~
very blur~erm~dont know how to say that feeling
the feeling only i know
whatever~dream is dream!and me is me~lol~



yea~this is my result for next year luck~
lol~so bad~
haha~anyway,i only believe myself
coz whatever happen to us in future is depend what we choice
and what we do or what step we take
if u work by hard,then u will have a good life
if u lazy and just surrender with what they count for u,then u will die very fast
hahaha~coz u only follow what they count for u
future is urs,NOT otherssss~~~
so u have to choice what u want
then u already walk first step for ur luck
GooD LuCK evryBody and May God BleSS u All..MUACK~


Hana wa kaze ni yureodoru you ni
Ame wa daichi wo uruosu you ni
Kono sekai wa yorisoiai ikiteru no ni
Naze hito wa kizutsukeau no?
Naze wakare wa otozureru no?

Kimi ga tooku ni itte mo mada
Itsumo kono kokoro no man'naka
Ano yasashii egao de umetsukusareta mama
Dakishimeta kimi no kakera ni
Itami kanjite mo mada
Tsunagaru kara
Shinjiteru yo
Mata aeru to
I'm waiting for your love

I love you, I trust you
Kimi no kodoku wo wakete hoshii
I love you, I trust you
Hikari demo yami demo
Futari dakara shinjiaeru no

Sekai no hate wo dare ga mita no?
Tabi no owari wo dare ga tsugeru no?
Ima wa kotae ga mienakute nagai yoru demo
Shinjita michi wo susunde hoshii
Sono sakimi hikari ga matsu kara

Kimi ga oshiete kureta uta wa
Ima mo kono kokoro no man'naka
Ano yasashii koe to tomo ni hibiiteru
Afureru kimochi no shizuku ga
Atatakaku hoho tsutau
Tsuyoku naru ne
Shinjiteru yo
Tsunagatteru to
Im always by your side

I love you, I trust you
Kimi no tame ni nagasu namida ga
I love you, I trust you
Ai wo oshiete kureta
Donna ni kimi ga michi ni mayotte mo
Soba ni iru yo

Waiting for your love
Always by your side
Youre the one that I love
Youre the one that I trust
Youre the only one

I love you, I trust you
Kimi no kodoku wo wakete hoshii
I love you, I trust you
Hikari demo yami demo
I love you, I trust you
Kanashimi demo yorokobi demo
I love you, I trust you
Kimi no subete wo mamoritai

Donna ni kimi ga michi ni mayotte mo
Soba ni iru yo
Futari dakara shinjiaeru no


Everything already change in slowly with what she wish
and she hope something that she hope will happen soon
she want go away from a ghost place
she want go away from a suffer place
she want run away from a relation
she dont want lonely everyday and wait for nothing
she want stand by herself
she dont want cry all the time
she dont want leave her family because of him
because after she know him,she not always back home
she dont want when he need her only find her
she dont lke he treat her when need her then only at her side
she is a talkative girl when she were in secondary school
she is a active girl when in secondary school
but after meet him,her life change
change become unhappy life
from that moment she meet him
she missing her smile
not active like before
quiet and always show the mad face
this is her now
she want run away from all this unhappy life
now she on plan want to make everything become normal
and alone go to her own journey
she want happy,freedom,single and success life
hope what she wish will become true as fast
all the friend outside,please bless for her
she will very thankful~~thankful~million thank for it

write for my secreat friend,XXX


Two different feeling face today
first feeling is happy when work in my new office
i have very good result until they feel suprise
because iam new there,but can do better than them
hem~the feeling ar~very very good lor~nice~
happy and make me got heart to continue work there
haha~iam feel proud~lol~
then the second feeling tht iam face today is
like usual lor~~i hated someone
and i remember a few world that my first bf tell me
even we already separated,but we still friend~
a very good friend~and he advice me all the time
i dont like who always make me cry all the time
the feel was so bad and suffer
like what all my friend say
then after his life stable and finish advice him
then i will go for my own journey
even i love him~but iam not suitable for him
we are different world men


Today is my second day work in office~
hahaha~a office girl~dint think before will become a part of it
at last~the thing i dont want happened
because i dont like work with others
i like work myself~anyway after i work for this job
erm~~the feeling~~erm~~qt good~
i like the environment,they treat me very good
and they so friendly,when i need help they will help me
hem~feel savety when work with this company
they give me offer letter and got all the company profile
very good system~
not like stubit jason hee jee ping company
no offer letter or salary slip at all~lol~~~
if compare~~smart stubit is "0"mark i give them
hem~cannot say like this~have to say cannot compare at all
because stubit jason hee jee pin company was a shit and no systematic company~
lol~~somemore they want you go to kuantan take ur own salary
lol~such a "GOOD BOSS"and "GOOD COMPANY"lol~
i love my job now~basic is rm3000~high leh??hahaha
coz i got the qualified mar~hahaha~
and time also flexible~because is start from 9am to 6pm only
at night can do my own thing
and at weekend can go for class~perfect~
haiz~why not early find this job leh??
if not now i no need all the stubit time job jor lor~
anyway i happy with my time now~
more stable jor~
what i have to do is,joseph ask me move to genting klang
so that when work can more easy go work,no need take bus and save
ok~i will find~then only make decision~
a good started for me~
gambadek yea sophia^^


Today i wake up around 11am~
and i go interview at genting klang as telemarketing
yeah~~~everything going very smooth
the boss give me RM3000 for my basic salary
a good started for me^^
at night i will go sing as part time
i join a singer group now
but now iam in hard situation
because the 2 leader want me stay me their own group
Which leader i have to follow??
haiz~lazy to think~
what i have to do now is just finish my duty as a singer
they give me RM100 basic for 1 day and only sing 4 to 6 song
time qt short~ok lar~i will go sing
i love sing and iam only do this job for fun
and get some experienced on stage~
and i will go join one in a million next year
from here i treat as practice~PERFECT~haha
anyway i only do what i want
and i plan when dint work on saturday and sunday
i will go take a part time course,so that i wont waste my time in doing stubit thing
haha~of course i will take my favourite guitar course
i want to finish the course~because i love write song,den i have to use guitar
have too~and i dunt want regretful when iam become old
life is a wonderful life,very fantastic,so we have to do whatever we like
i wont bother people say iam stubborn
because iam only want to be myself
and i know what iam doing
iam happy with the result iam achieved today
even thought sometime iam failed,but iam learn from wrong
and when the next step i will become more stronger
cheers for guys who always support me here
thank for comforted and advice that u guys give me when iam down
thank yea guys^^cheerssssss~~


A tired day for me
yesterday sleep around 4 to 5 am~
then wake at about 7.30am like this
only sleep for 2 hour and half hour~
no time to eat then rush to mid valley and work
today no mood to work coz not much guest are coming in that exhibition
and what iam always do today is only
going around and chit chat with other friend
hahaha...qt happy but tired
the way iam make my tired missing iam always smile and talk talk talk
so that i wont feel sleepy
hahaha~~a good madison for me~
iam feel not tired and can continue work
but today cant get any sell,so hard to get it
but i already try my best...what can i do is continue talk and find customer
yea~at last my last roadshow customer find me back and say will sign for me tomorrow~~not today
OK!!I will wait for my dear customer~
hope they will really come back for me tomorrow^^
anyway thank for them give me some hope~love yea^^
i can do it~i can fight for my target
i will reach it~coz iam always can do it~hahaha
this is me^^sophia~
i want to be a perfect sophia all the time,but cant make it sometime
but i know 1 thing that i already try it
if filed i will try and try and try to make me more better then before
i know this was a hard process in my life..but i have to face it
today i get "0" sale in my exhibition roadshow
but i know tomorrow i wont coz i know reach my target
i know from deep inside my heart
I KnOw it very well~haha
and later after take a comfortable bath i will have a good sleep and wonderful dream
and continue my journey tomorrow
coz tomorrow is my lucky day^^
gambadek yea sophia^^
sweet dream everybody^^


Tonight is a very super long night for me.
sleep at around 10.30pm~
suddenly wake up~cant sleep because of my gastric
lol~~pain~~~very pain~~~
what can do is only drink water~~
keep drink~~~keep drink~~
so that my gastric will missing~~
fast fast go away~~please~~i want sleep~~
tomorrow i got job~~
if not i dunt have energy to work~~


A family is one of the nicest thing you can have
and one of the best thing you can be.
A family is the one who will always be beside you,
through all the laughter,and through each and every tear.
A family is the one thing you can always rely on
the someone you can always open up to.
A family is sanctuary
A family is a smile
A family is a hand
that is always holding yours,
no matter where you are.
A family is a feeling of forever in the heart.


Today is my day
i dunt want anyone disturb me today
i only want enjoy for 1 day and give myself a space to breath
yesterday i know a new friend
and we chat for 1 whole night
she is a lesbian..but i dont care..i love talk with her
her thinking same like me
erm..why she become lesbian?
actually the story are very long
and a secreat between me and her
all is start from suck guy~~just know how to make girl feel sad and change
when iam talk with her..she say iam feel not save
how she know???iam shock..she say she know with just feel it
i respect her because her thinking are mature and very clear
i dint blame her as a lesbian but happy to be her friend
so that got someone know me very well and talk we me
at last we give each other hp no to keep in touch
but have something..she say she like me
and she that feel ~~but i dint scared..coz i know this is a normal thing
for now a day..we cant blame them...coz this got reason why they become like this
and what are duty is be their friend and change their mind
anyway sha sha~iam happy to be your friend^^


Our life like a bean very fragile
can survive when got sun
once failing a havey fainfall~~his survive chance will thus wind up
same like us(human)..dunt know when we will leave from this world
everything will come very suddenly
when think about it iam feel very afraid
cant count what will happen tomorrow
just can cherish what we have now especially love that we have now
materialistic was the rest of our life
life was not belong to us
we just a cell of universe
when he want take back thing that belong to him
what we can do is only INSTATE


Last two day i got a news from my friend
my secondary classmate pass away when come back from clubbing

iam feel so shock when heard this news from my friens d
iam feel sad for him~~

too early for him~~~too young~~why leave us that early~~
u just graduated~~u still got many thing dint finish yet~~


even i asked why also no use already~~
he leaved us already~~far from us now~~
although i cant attend your funeral~~but my heart still have u~~my friend
hope u leaved in peace~~we all pray for u my dear friend~~

U always in our memory!!We always with u
leaved in peace my friend~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


hai guys..
this 3 day my life was so quiet and boring all the time
and i no mood to do other thing
beside go back to my own home
i miss my home and i hated all the thing happen in kl
the moment i meet him
all the before and after i hated it so so so so so much
anyway i will run away someday
depress!!!!depress when with him
now got that feeling and i hated him
and i have to settle all this thing by myself and just wait for time
NOW my brain was empty!!sry guy!!
i know u all care about me but iam juz quiet
really sorry abt that..iam really vry bz this few week
and no time to write blog
anyway...i love u all guys and thx for care abt me^^



sophia profile
