
A tired day for me
yesterday sleep around 4 to 5 am~
then wake at about 7.30am like this
only sleep for 2 hour and half hour~
no time to eat then rush to mid valley and work
today no mood to work coz not much guest are coming in that exhibition
and what iam always do today is only
going around and chit chat with other friend
hahaha...qt happy but tired
the way iam make my tired missing iam always smile and talk talk talk
so that i wont feel sleepy
hahaha~~a good madison for me~
iam feel not tired and can continue work
but today cant get any sell,so hard to get it
but i already try my best...what can i do is continue talk and find customer
yea~at last my last roadshow customer find me back and say will sign for me tomorrow~~not today
OK!!I will wait for my dear customer~
hope they will really come back for me tomorrow^^
anyway thank for them give me some hope~love yea^^
i can do it~i can fight for my target
i will reach it~coz iam always can do it~hahaha
this is me^^sophia~
i want to be a perfect sophia all the time,but cant make it sometime
but i know 1 thing that i already try it
if filed i will try and try and try to make me more better then before
i know this was a hard process in my life..but i have to face it
today i get "0" sale in my exhibition roadshow
but i know tomorrow i wont coz i know reach my target
i know from deep inside my heart
I KnOw it very well~haha
and later after take a comfortable bath i will have a good sleep and wonderful dream
and continue my journey tomorrow
coz tomorrow is my lucky day^^
gambadek yea sophia^^
sweet dream everybody^^


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