
long time dint updated my blog
at last~coz something make me feel suck and today was my lucky day
why i feel suck is because,him(stubit joseph)
lol~i dunt know what will happened to his life if he always behave like nothing
is he arrange work on saturday and sunday..
and today boss ask us go before 10am
after i ready at around 8:30am
i wake him up~lol~hard like hell~
and then he say he want sleep~lol~
is he know today got work???
OK!!nve mind~i let him sleep,and i go make some breakfast
after i finish eat already 9.30am something..
i waked him up once again~lol~
he say go work at 1:00pm
>.<""shit,make me feel like his mother
hei~chidish joseph~if u want be serious in ur life
please behave like a mature men lar...
dunt always make everything like a games~
u think u what??still a baby ar~~???
i cant tahan with ur stubit baby behavior lar...
OK!!i say i want go work first and then he go work after 1pm la
whatever~i dunt want to wait him anymore
make my life suck like hell
then only he wake up~
now u know what he doing??
lol~sikat his rambut depan the cermin
is he know time already late???
what the *&%$@#@%^~~
if he got a company and he always behave like this i think the company will bankrupt
that why he go work at anyway always late and scold by boss la..
i dunt know how to say him anymore..
i only feel tired la~
and today i only want do my best in my job~
and i treat today as my lucky day~
dunt bother what stupit flw sarrounding ma..
coz they will only make me feel bad~


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