
Just follow your your heart
Dont regret if miss it
People always regret after thing happened,
Because they dun't know how to appreciated

Before this am always blame blame blame
Everything happened i just know how to blame
But dint think how to solve it
I thought that everything happened is because of others people
But i dint think that some of the reason is come from me
I just know cry when thing are happen
When am think back am feel very shame of myself and feel very wasting my time
on all that blaming

Why i should cry for thing already happened?
Why i should blame for thing already happened?
Is that wasting time....
Why dun't am think how to face it and solve the problem?
Why dun't am become more brave to all this problem?

This is call life...
Such as a homework for us..
We have to learn how to face our life
not run from life...
We have to appreciated everything that already happened to us..
Because all the thing that already happened on us
was a FREE LESSON for us...

I know i am too young to say all this thing
But i know it was a good thinking from me
at least i realize earlier den others that same age with me
Am still got time to learn what is life
And learn how to learn from wrong

Many people said that i am too young to face all this problem
Yea...It right....
But u guys have to know one thing!!
Because when you just want started step to real world and work for ur life
I already have my stable carer and already have what i want
because when u are enjoying in your college moment
In the same time,i am building my life and carer

As what i know many people nowadays
After they finish their college or university
I ask them,"so after finish your college/university,what u gonna to plan for your life?"
I ask them...
You know what most of them answer me????
lolx....Am was so shock with their answer....
They answer me..."erm..Dont know yet...see first lor"
Lolxxxxx.....SEE FIRST LOR.....????
What a good answer!!!
hem~~~~~as i know they only know how to waste their parent money
not go college for study...
but go college/university for enjoying their life there
hem...student nowadays really toooooo happiness!!!
Toooooooooooo enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyy.....
Am so jealous....
But deep in side my heart said
"see u guys can enjoy until when???!!""

Not i want scold or what...
Remember my mom tell me
Last time if they want go college or university
Result have to straight A or
only for certain student that selected
But now~~~~~~~
Haiz......result like rubbish also can go to any college/university
until make our standard level education become "DUH"....
erm...what can say...
One word..."LOW LEVEL"

After they finish their education in
"GOOD QUALITY" college...
what they do????
80% dont know what can do...
15% no plan...
4% sit in office
1% SUCCESS!!!(CONGRATULATION!!) impression now is


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