
This few day am change alot to make everything to become normal as usual
I try to don't want criticism him
And i try to treat him good~
but..this time my heart really 100% broke because of him
Last time am tried to give him chance even i know am was so hurt so hurt
But this time don't know why am no dare
to face him anymore
even am see his eye and face
am already really really~~~
The feeling was so hard to explained
This morning when am open facebook
am realize that last night he open my facebook
Is ok for me..
But the second time am open my facebook today
Am realize that he edit my relation status to empty
For the beginning i dint think too much and change back to "in a relationship"
But after i go to his profile..
Am heart was shock for a while..
because the status that he put~~
yea...he change my profile status before..
In deeply am cry...
Even when we are starting this relationship
he already the same
If don't want just say don't want..
Dint hurt me in quietly
Am so hurt~
Not i want always vexatious
But this feeling is come from deep inside my hard
The feeling was so sour and pain
And this time,the pain was over my limit
And this this moment
I wont disturb him
I want to stop this tired game
I tried to change to be who u like
But before this u dont want to let me go..
even now...
The feeling like~
Am blur..
For a while feel happy,for a while feel sad
I know a relationship have both of us to maintain
but just treat that is me cant continue it
I just need a simple guy who can protect and love me very well
Am really tired with u~
Really tired
If u really love me,den let me go~


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