
I dunt know what happened yesterday
thing is like this....
i sleep~~~~suddenly i heard someone outside
lol~~is joseph~~he bring his hp to me
am feel very weird,and ask how he come==''
he dint say anything..
but i guess he curi2 take his father car and drive...
lol~~~~joseph~~why u always like this???????
ok~~~after he bck...
am sleep~~suddenly his hp ring~~
ok~~i received d phone,that time am was vry blur
his father call~~
lol~~his father ask~~
why joseph phone at mine here???
that time my brain was very empty
so i say i forgot bring my hp from office~~
and then he tell me many thing that abt our relationship
very very suddenly~~
what happened to urs both~~
why everything like coz of me??????
make me cant sleep until around 3am only can sleep
from what yesterday happened
what am feel that is~~
why i will continue this relationship even am feel tired
and when am want stop and go away from this relationship
he stop me den dint think about my feeling
but~~at last what his father think is
coz of me den only will make his son become like this
==""did he think that am a mangsa inside this relationship??
did he think that am a orang tengah??
did he think that like what happened yesterday weather it coz from me or what??
and den blame everthing to me==""
and den did he know when i want stop from all this relationship,
how his son stop me??until make me feel suffer???
did his father know all of this thing??
i dunt think so~what he know is everything is because of me=="
and what on my mind now is..
why christian person is like this??
what i know is they good to everybody
and i heard joseph say that,even that was a bad men
people who christian also will correct him v right way
is that real???
and i think jesus is joseph father he wont treat me like that before
checking anything and den blame me with thing that i dint do
i think the problem is communication between them
dint use the correct way to sent message to each other
that this why joseph today become like this
heard joseph say,he always ponteng school..
and when secondary school already got all this problem
is that mean what happened that time also my salah????
when he say his son always dint bck home
i already advice~den now i think ad better then before
and if am not wrong when he was secondary school he also like this
lol~is that my wrong also??=="i dunt think so
anyway am lazy to talk abt all this thing anymore
what can i do is i know my future plan
without joseph i also can live happy...even no partner
and my life will become more bright
as what my mother tell me,this is not the time
and am vry tired v their complicated problem


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