
am feel like want to cry this few day:-(
never mind...am still got my friend
even am not clear with their personality
but they company me when am alone
when am back home today
i do something that in my plan to make him hated me
when the moment my tear almost drop
am just quiet and control the tear stop dropping from my eye
i already take the first step after make this decision even it so hard..
first step:successful..
uncle u no need worried..
i will work by hard to finish what u wish~
all my friend,bless me from all the evil sorrounding me
and may god bless me
please let me walk the second step with a brave heart
i dunt want waste time in all this politic that causes from them
am tired with what they make me feel
Please let my life become peaceful and smooth
Please let all the trouble go away from me..


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