
Recently am work in a american company in BANGSAR.
My job scope is take order customer through call
They will call in and am just help them to take order
either i just sit there and help them to settle their problem qt busy....until i dont have time to drink water...
but the situation make me change
of course happy a group of good friend..
better den sit at home and face his stubit face before this..
make my mood all the time become bad,unhappy,crazy.
After am work with this company.
My life become peaceful..
i smile everyday with a group of my friend.
At least i know without him am also can survive.
before this i tot i cnt..
but time will let it go slowly..
Just now he come bck very suddenly
and am shock....feel very uncomfortable
when see his face...
Got a very negative vibrate make my whole person become moody
In slowly am get out from his life...
In slowly i can survive without him
In slowly i brave chose what i want
In slowly i forget him
In slowly my feeling to him become zero...
In slowly i wont cry because of him
In slowly i become myself.


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