
erm~good morning for me
Am take a bath and prepared going out for meet my friend in KLCC
When am on the way go take LRT..
I received a phone call from my friend
He tell me that he suddenly got thing to do..
Then what can i do is go myself..
hahah~maybe this is a good moment for me to relax alone
Alone take LRT to KLCC~
The feeling was so good~
Long time dint relax like today
After reach there,am received a phone call again...
Jonathan~he said he in kl
So i buy 2 ticket and we go watch nightmare on xxxroad
hahahah~the movie was so scaryyyyy~~~~X.x ticket to scared myself
hahah~so funny la..
The most funny thing was
His hand so pain because of me~~~hahaha
After finish movie~~
He ask me go eat...but am not feel like want eat..
even am dint take breakfast yea..
Feel tired in the same time..
Den he accompany me go post office..
But am forgot that today is sunday
so post office dint open~
After he wait me go in LRT only back~
Normal day for me~
but am feel tired...
sleep after reach home..
prepareING to face next morning~~


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