
Am really appreciated u guys always updated my blog
and care for me..
Million thank yea guys..hehe..
But please la...dont call me when am working
Because am bzING with my work...
Erm...actually am not sad with my job..
I happy with it..
everyday am busy doing something..
At least i got thing to do lor...
Wont always sit at home like sho po..hahaha
Not i dont have direction..
Just because deep inside my heart still cannot let it go last time
Now slowly let it go liao
and thank to u guys because accompany me whole night
and listen what am talk,and let me cry until become panda
Sry,can answer u guys phone today
Hope u guys understand my situation now
I want to make myself
work hard for my life
Thank to u guys again because accompany me when am confuse
confuse to face him,and confuse for everything la...
Think about last time am gila for him..
Think back feel myself really stubit and childish la..
will because of
Anyway,am agree with what u guys advice me..
even though deeply deeply inside my heart feel still got something v him
but u guys are right...
I have to let it go,to choose a better life..
No use i just stand here and become the same or become more worst.
Love cant feed u eat..time wont wait for u and alert u said:
"hei...stop dreaming...a better future is waiting for u."
yea..time wont wait u...And i have to rush back the time that am throw away..
And find it back...
Stop dreaming....
I wont treat it as lesson..
I will treat it as my good memories with him
When the moment with him...even though i know it was hard..
But when am see his face..Am feel sweet and happy.
Remember that he always tolerated with my stubit bad temper..
He just quiet...But he is stubit..because sometime he cant catch what am try to tell him
But the sad thing was~~
He dont know what am already do for him
He just know how to blame and perli me..
and am sad everytime and just put it in my heart until am treat him the same way
By the way...
The fade said...our last stop is until here.
Just make it as my memories...


Recently am work in a american company in BANGSAR.
My job scope is take order customer through call
They will call in and am just help them to take order
either i just sit there and help them to settle their problem qt busy....until i dont have time to drink water...
but the situation make me change
of course happy a group of good friend..
better den sit at home and face his stubit face before this..
make my mood all the time become bad,unhappy,crazy.
After am work with this company.
My life become peaceful..
i smile everyday with a group of my friend.
At least i know without him am also can survive.
before this i tot i cnt..
but time will let it go slowly..
Just now he come bck very suddenly
and am shock....feel very uncomfortable
when see his face...
Got a very negative vibrate make my whole person become moody
In slowly am get out from his life...
In slowly i can survive without him
In slowly i brave chose what i want
In slowly i forget him
In slowly my feeling to him become zero...
In slowly i wont cry because of him
In slowly i become myself.


erm~good morning for me
Am take a bath and prepared going out for meet my friend in KLCC
When am on the way go take LRT..
I received a phone call from my friend
He tell me that he suddenly got thing to do..
Then what can i do is go myself..
hahah~maybe this is a good moment for me to relax alone
Alone take LRT to KLCC~
The feeling was so good~
Long time dint relax like today
After reach there,am received a phone call again...
Jonathan~he said he in kl
So i buy 2 ticket and we go watch nightmare on xxxroad
hahahah~the movie was so scaryyyyy~~~~X.x ticket to scared myself
hahah~so funny la..
The most funny thing was
His hand so pain because of me~~~hahaha
After finish movie~~
He ask me go eat...but am not feel like want eat..
even am dint take breakfast yea..
Feel tired in the same time..
Den he accompany me go post office..
But am forgot that today is sunday
so post office dint open~
After he wait me go in LRT only back~
Normal day for me~
but am feel tired...
sleep after reach home..
prepareING to face next morning~~


Suddenly got someone knock my door
and said my parent reach already lovely mom and dad~~muack~muack~
Miss you both so much!!
After a while my dad fetch us to lrt..
We go KLCC together,then we have a texi to auntie jady house
After reach there auntie Jady invite us eat nasi lemak that cooked by her worker
wow~DELICIOUS!!!really delicious!!!
After that we go KLCC again~
we fourperson sit down and chat chat chat
chat until forgot time~lolzzzz~~~women what~hahaahah
Then when reach around 7pm~
we go eat sushi up stair..
UNTIL my stomach full~~~
like got boom inside my stomach...
But we still chat la even we are eating
we laugh laugh eat talk talk..
hahahaha...funny and happy moment for us...
No willing to go back home...
hem~but have too~~~
Then when before we go back wangsa maju
We both hug mummy and feel sad
hem~mom we love u so much~
Today the most thing make both of us feel pain was
when u want close the car,uncareful you pinch your hand and
when the moment when u feel very pain
deep inside our heart we also feel very pain too
worried your hand very much
but you said...dont worried..dont worried...
mom~we really love you!!love you so much!!


This few day am change alot to make everything to become normal as usual
I try to don't want criticism him
And i try to treat him good~
but..this time my heart really 100% broke because of him
Last time am tried to give him chance even i know am was so hurt so hurt
But this time don't know why am no dare
to face him anymore
even am see his eye and face
am already really really~~~
The feeling was so hard to explained
This morning when am open facebook
am realize that last night he open my facebook
Is ok for me..
But the second time am open my facebook today
Am realize that he edit my relation status to empty
For the beginning i dint think too much and change back to "in a relationship"
But after i go to his profile..
Am heart was shock for a while..
because the status that he put~~
yea...he change my profile status before..
In deeply am cry...
Even when we are starting this relationship
he already the same
If don't want just say don't want..
Dint hurt me in quietly
Am so hurt~
Not i want always vexatious
But this feeling is come from deep inside my hard
The feeling was so sour and pain
And this time,the pain was over my limit
And this this moment
I wont disturb him
I want to stop this tired game
I tried to change to be who u like
But before this u dont want to let me go..
even now...
The feeling like~
Am blur..
For a while feel happy,for a while feel sad
I know a relationship have both of us to maintain
but just treat that is me cant continue it
I just need a simple guy who can protect and love me very well
Am really tired with u~
Really tired
If u really love me,den let me go~









Something that i cant put down for this moment
and am feel very confuse with my thinking for all this time
but after 3 week ago...something let me know that
am no need because of this thing and wait
no worth~
and when am face with this thing
Am feel disheartened
even still got feeling with this inexplicably feel
but something deep inside my heart said
stop it!and just stop it!

1 week ago...even my heart ask me stop..
don't do it...and i try to think that what am feel is wrong
and am try to try to make my thinking that he is good
In quietly am give up
In quietly am realize that
we are still young to been together

I cant wait u and just sit here everyday and hope u will be change
I don't want to make trouble in you
u are stopping me from achieve my dream
we got different thinking

my life chance is coming
Chance only one time in life,dont have second chance
before this i give up everything and listen what u teach me
but after that am know am wrong~
am cannot wait u and be a normal people like you

From am small am work by hard for my dream
cannot because of u am just stop it
If am just stop achieve my dream
that mean am fool
so this time,i will throw off all my feeling and focus in my carer
after this whatever u say
am just will listen..but wont put inside my heart
i choice my singging carer and not you!
U have listen to ur parent advice and change yourself
if not u will be a loser in whole life

Last i want to say that:
My heart still love you
But your mind is not suitable for me
I cant follow what u teach me
I know am leave you am will feel very sad
but i have to continue it
because we are from different world
I wish that someday u can find a better partner in your life
and wish all your family member healthy always
God will bless all of you all the time

Sorry for leave you~


Just follow your your heart
Dont regret if miss it
People always regret after thing happened,
Because they dun't know how to appreciated

Before this am always blame blame blame
Everything happened i just know how to blame
But dint think how to solve it
I thought that everything happened is because of others people
But i dint think that some of the reason is come from me
I just know cry when thing are happen
When am think back am feel very shame of myself and feel very wasting my time
on all that blaming

Why i should cry for thing already happened?
Why i should blame for thing already happened?
Is that wasting time....
Why dun't am think how to face it and solve the problem?
Why dun't am become more brave to all this problem?

This is call life...
Such as a homework for us..
We have to learn how to face our life
not run from life...
We have to appreciated everything that already happened to us..
Because all the thing that already happened on us
was a FREE LESSON for us...

I know i am too young to say all this thing
But i know it was a good thinking from me
at least i realize earlier den others that same age with me
Am still got time to learn what is life
And learn how to learn from wrong

Many people said that i am too young to face all this problem
Yea...It right....
But u guys have to know one thing!!
Because when you just want started step to real world and work for ur life
I already have my stable carer and already have what i want
because when u are enjoying in your college moment
In the same time,i am building my life and carer

As what i know many people nowadays
After they finish their college or university
I ask them,"so after finish your college/university,what u gonna to plan for your life?"
I ask them...
You know what most of them answer me????
lolx....Am was so shock with their answer....
They answer me..."erm..Dont know yet...see first lor"
Lolxxxxx.....SEE FIRST LOR.....????
What a good answer!!!
hem~~~~~as i know they only know how to waste their parent money
not go college for study...
but go college/university for enjoying their life there
hem...student nowadays really toooooo happiness!!!
Toooooooooooo enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyy.....
Am so jealous....
But deep in side my heart said
"see u guys can enjoy until when???!!""

Not i want scold or what...
Remember my mom tell me
Last time if they want go college or university
Result have to straight A or
only for certain student that selected
But now~~~~~~~
Haiz......result like rubbish also can go to any college/university
until make our standard level education become "DUH"....
erm...what can say...
One word..."LOW LEVEL"

After they finish their education in
"GOOD QUALITY" college...
what they do????
80% dont know what can do...
15% no plan...
4% sit in office
1% SUCCESS!!!(CONGRATULATION!!) impression now is





sophia profile
